• 2nd Mountain
  • Posts
  • Week 14: June was a great month. July, on the otherhand...

Week 14: June was a great month. July, on the otherhand...

Welcome to the 14th update of my build in public newsletter experiment.

In today’s email:

  • 😡 My Facebook ad nightmare continues (but I have a plan)

  • 🛠 The 2 problems newsletter builders should work on first

  • 📉 Why I’ll be publishing less frequently on this newsletter

But first, a quick look at the numbers…

🧞‍♂️ Be Like Shiva (week 14)

What: A niche newsletter about masculinity (read more about it here)

The numbers:

Don't be a dick: give me your email...

I'm sharing everything (except nudes) in these case studies. So please allow me to send you an electronic mail now and then with some updates, lessons, and maybe sometimes a story?

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