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  • Project 1: A Minimum Viable Newsletter (about masculinity)

Project 1: A Minimum Viable Newsletter (about masculinity)

TLDR: Today I’m launching Be Like Shiva

What is it? A weekly email newsletter focusing on personal development for men

Who is it for? 25-40 year old men who never had strong role models to teach them about healthy masculinity

Why? Because the topic is something I give a f**k about.

If you’re new here, check out my first post where I talk about this build in public challenge and the criteria for choosing projects. One of the criteria is “does it follow the 5×5 rule?”

This newsletter does. I love the intersection of personal development and masculinity. I read all the books. Listen to the podcasts. Go to men’s circles. I’m part of the target market, so I’m scratching my own itch here.

And the mission of the newsletter:

To help men evolve towards healthy masculinity so they can get live confident, purpose-driven, fulfilling lives.

Men of the 21st century lack healthy masculine role models, which means they end lack healthy masculinity, or go too far and become labelled as a toxic masculine

Here’s a quote from Mark Manson’s book ‘Models’ that explains the problem well:

“Centuries ago, a man’s duty was power and protection. Decades ago, it was to work and provide. But now? We’re not quite sure. We are either the first or second generation of men to grow up without a clear definition of what our social roles are supposed to be and without a model of what it is to be strong and attractive men”

So I guess you could say the newsletter aims to help men understand what it is to be a strong and attractive man.

What will the experiment look like?

Since the goal is to get out of my own way so I’m launching this as MVN (minimum viable newsletter), I’m going to make it as friction-less as possible to launch.

At a high level this is what it will look like:

  • Facebook ads to a landing page where and user’s sign up.

  • The welcome email will have a survey link so I can ask subscribers about challenges and questions as it relates to the topic

  • I’ll write and send one email per week which has 3 sections, offering advice and inspiration on how they can become improve as a masculine.

That’s it.

But of course, I’ll iterate along the way as I learn. That’s how it goes.

Tools and Tech

Name Cheap for the domain name with a webmail box upgrade so I can send emails from my domain’s email address (eg Alex[@]belikeshiva.com)

ConvertKit for email. I’m a Nathan Barry fanboy, but that’s not why I chose ConvertKit. I love the UX of this product, their landing page templates save time, and I’ve used ConvertKit before so feel comfortable navigating it.

Google Forms for collecting info about new subscribers to help me hone in the newsletter

Clarity.FM to have an on-demand coaching call with someone experienced with Facebook ads if I get stuck

How will you get subscribers?

Facebook ads.

Inspired by a dude called Scott Delong and his content site challenge. He talks about how he grows email lists with simple FB ads during his week 9 update. I’m going to try and do the same thing.

I might also try to buy sponsored ad listings in other, related email lists.

How will you know if its successful?

Don’t roll your eyes, but..

I won’t be trying to monetize this newsletter in the first 30 days. That’s how it goes with a content based business.

Yes, this is kind of a cop out, but after 30 days at least I’ll know:

  • Am I enjoying working on this topic as a business? (Does it energize me?)

  • Can I get email subscribers for 25c or less?

  • Does the email data (open and CTR rates) show me that people like this email?

If I feel energized by it, If I can get subscribers for a decent price, and if the audience likes the content….I’ll have my answer.

And then I will decide whether to continue growing it or not.

That’s the validation

What do you think?

Do you think my plan is dumb?

Can you see a blind spot?

Maybe you’ve done something similar and have some advice.

Please hit reply to this email with any thoughts or feedback. It would mean the world to me

See you next week where I’ll update on:

  • The email flow (welcome email and survey)

  • The ad copy and creative

  • Anything else I’ve learned so far