October + November: first digital product!

Welcome to the October & November update on my niche newsletter build in public case study.

I know I know I haven’t sent you an email in a while.

My excuse: I was busy creating and launching a course for the case study newsletter.

How did it go?

Lets just say I learned what NOT to do when creating a course to sell to a newsletter audience.

Here’s an update + what I learned + whats next (big things)

In today’s email:

  • 📈 An update on the numbers (with PnL)

  • 🎉 Details on the course launch

  • 🙌 Plans for V2 of the course & newsletter

🧞‍♂️ Be Like Shiva (Oct + Nov)

What: A niche newsletter about masculinity (read more about it here)

The numbers:

Don't be a dick: give me your email...

I'm sharing everything (except nudes) in these case studies. So please allow me to send you an electronic mail now and then with some updates, lessons, and maybe sometimes a story?

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