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  • August: 10k subs, sales emails & constraints

August: 10k subs, sales emails & constraints

I know what you’re thinking…

“What the hell? you haven’t emailed in a month! I though you quit the newsletter case study?!”

Nope. The case study is going strong. Here’s why I ghosted for a month:

July 29th I walk into my investment property in Newcastle, Australia, to inspect.

I’d been overseas for a year.

My property manager told me everything was fine.

Everything was not fine. It was a clusterfuck.

The tenants pulled a Houdini and I walked into an empty trashed house.

A broken roof had been letting in rain for weeks. Which meant peeling paint, an abundance of rust, and cockroaches. Lots of cockroaches.

The place was a dump. It smelt like piss. There was cigarette butts everywhere. And sour melted cheese. Lots of broken shit, and enough grime to make you gag.

I fired the property manager on the spot and reluctantly started a renovation that took 5 weeks.

That’s why you didn’t get any emails from me.

But things still happened on the newsletter front, so here’s the August update.

In today’s email:

  • ❓ How the renovation improved my content system

  • 📈 Facebook ad tips that helped me hit my best CPA’s yet!

  • 🤯 3 emails added to a welcome sequence led to $15k in sales

But first, a quick look at the numbers…

🧞‍♂️ Be Like Shiva (July-August)

What: A niche newsletter about masculinity (read more about it here)

The numbers:

Don't be a dick: give me your email...

I'm sharing everything (except nudes) in these case studies. So please allow me to send you an electronic mail now and then with some updates, lessons, and maybe sometimes a story?

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