• 2nd Mountain
  • Posts
  • Week 13: crossing 5k subs + the ads nobody is talking about

Week 13: crossing 5k subs + the ads nobody is talking about

Welcome to the 13th update of my build in public newsletter experiment.

Today’s short-and-sweet update will cover:

  • 📈 The newsletter numbers, of course

  • 🤷🏻‍♂️ Why aren’t more people talking about Facebook leads ads?

  • 😡 Why you shouldn’t pay for newsletter referrals (without a strong list cleaning game)

Before jumping in to the numbers from last week, allow me apologetically cross-promote another newsletter to you:

Unheard RootsInsights & Interviews from my startup journey

I have a goal of 5 newsletter cross-promos for 2nd mountain over the next 2 months, so if you have a newsletter and you want it featured here, DM me on Twitter.

Ok, today’s update…

Don't be a dick: give me your email...

I'm sharing everything (except nudes) in these case studies. So please allow me to send you an electronic mail now and then with some updates, lessons, and maybe sometimes a story?

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