• 2nd Mountain
  • Posts
  • Week 10: 3x new landing pages? and more twitter ads...

Week 10: 3x new landing pages? and more twitter ads...

Welcome to the 10th update of my build-in-public newsletter: Be Like Shiva

(See previous update’s here)

In today's email, I’m convering

  • 😅 Why I killed my landing page that was converting at 60%+

  • 🧪 An update on ads: Facebook (coasting) and Twitter (not there yet)

  • 🤠 I’m making some changes to this newsletter (2nd mountain)…

But first: if you’re growing your own newsletter, perhaps this will interest you…

Don't be a dick: give me your email...

I'm sharing everything (except nudes) in these case studies. So please allow me to send you an electronic mail now and then with some updates, lessons, and maybe sometimes a story?

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