Is this goodbye?

My journal entry from this morning reads:

“Once again I’m spreading myself thin like a layer of shitty margarine on wonder white. I should be like a thick layer of organic butter on a date”

(Wonder white = very bad Australian bread)

what am trying to say is that I’ve been spreading myself too thin and therefore I’ve decided…

I’m no longer publishing 2nd mountain

(Which is this newsletter…a weekly newsletter about newsletters)

Instead this will become a once-a-month email recapping progress on the two other brands i’m working on:

  • Burning Anchor - which is the public email business I’ve been building. But rebranded and massively simplified (as I announced here)

  • Dose Wellness - a friend and I have started ecommerce brand in Australia selling Saunas and Ice baths

Everything else I was working on (including this weekly email) has been cut or massively simplified

This was a tough decision.

Thanks for coming along for the ride so far.

And speaking of decisions now it’s YOUR turn:

Are you staying or leaving?

This WAS a weekly newsletter about newsletters.

NOW it’s a once-a-month email case study about building health brands.

If thats not your cup of tea please scroll to the bottom of this email and hit unsubscribe

No hard feelings.

I just want to make sure my emails are only being sent to people who want em.

If you’re staying for the ride:

Connect with me on Twitter here (for more regular updates) and look out for my next monthly email early Feb

Either way…

Thanks for being on this journey with me until now
